Board Directors

Dr. Alberto Ortiz Rodríguez

Cirugía General /Cirugía Endoscopica Digestiva / Endobariatria

Universidad de Costa Rica
Universidad de Concepción, Chile

Director Médico de Endoscobesidad, San Jose Costa Rica

Dr. Eduardo Ruiz Ballesteros

Título de Médico Cirujano por la UPAEP
Especialidad en Gastroenterología egresado del Hospital Español en Ciudad de México
Alta Especialidad en Endoscopia Gastrointestinal Terapéutica egresado del Centro Médico ABC en Ciudad de México

Dr. Carlos Federico M. Guzmaán

Endoscopías digestivas altas y bajas, diagnósticas y terapéutica.
Afiliado a la sociedad argentina de cirugía bariátrica y metabólica SACO
Afiliado a E.N.D.I.B.A (endoscopistas digestivos de
Buenos Aires).
Afiliado a la Sociedad Argentina de Gastroenterología SAGE.

Dr. Miguel Angel O. Méndez

Especialista en cirugía general

To Dear Members of the European Scientific Medical Community,

It is with great respect and a shared commitment to the advancement of medicine that we address you today on behalf of the newly created Pan-American Society of Endobariatrics.

Our training represents a significant milestone in the diversification and specialization of medical practice worldwide, particularly in a field that addresses one of the most pressing health challenges of our time: obesity and its related comorbidities.

Bariatric Endoscopy, a burgeoning field within medical science, offers a highly promising and minimally invasive approach to the treatment of obesity. Combining endoscopic techniques, anti-obesity medications and bariatric and metabolic surgery concepts, this specialty aims to provide comprehensive care with significantly reduced risks and recovery times.

This innovative perspective not only incorporates the advancement of medical technology, but also aligns with the global shift toward less invasive patient care.

Bariatric endoscopy fills the gap between traditional endoscopy and bariatric surgery, reinforcing the arsenal to combat obesity and its comorbidities. It is important to recognize that the coexistence of multiple specialized societies within the same medical field is a common and beneficial practice in many countries around the world. This diversity promotes a healthy competitive and collaborative environment, encouraging each entity to seek excellence and innovation.

The Pan-American Society of Bariatric Endoscopy is founded on the principle that there is ample space and a critical need for dedicated organizations that focus on specific contexts of medical advancement. Our main objective is to contribute to the training of highly qualified professionals who seek to specialize in Bariatric Endoscopy or wish to incorporate it as a co-specialty.

The convergence of endoscopy and surgery represents a future where integrated treatment approaches become the norm, thus requiring professionals who are adept in both areas. Our commitment is to the cultivation of scientific excellence and academic talent. Through rigorous training and global collaboration, we aim to equip our members with the skills and knowledge needed to lead the fight against obesity, the most significant pandemic of our time, and one that demands an adjusted and innovative response.

The Pan-American Society of Bariatric Endoscopy is poised to emerge at the forefront of this response, contributing to the global body of knowledge and practice in medical science.

In closing, we extend an invitation to the broader American scientific medical community to join us in this effort. Together, we can explore new frontiers in medical treatment, improve patient care, and, most importantly, save lives.

We look forward to your support and collaboration as we embark on this exciting journey towards a healthier future for all.
With the greatest respect and expectation,

Pan-American Society of Endobariatrics.

Join us

We are delighted to have you join our vibrant community of professionals dedicated to advancing the field of bariatric endoscopy. Our society is committed to promoting excellence in clinical practice, research, and education, fostering collaboration and innovation across Europe and beyond.

Together, we strive to improve patient outcomes and contribute to the ongoing development of bariatric endoscopy. Your participation and expertise are invaluable to us as we work towards our shared goals.

Welcome aboard, and we look forward to a productive and inspiring journey together!
